%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, mpld3
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from JSAnimation import IPython_display
import scipy, scipy.linalg, scipy.sparse, scipy.sparse.linalg, scipy.fftpack
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 8
Initial wave packet:
x_0 = -10.
k = 5.
a = 1
def wavepacket(x, t=0):
return (np.pi * a**2 / 2)**(-1./4) \
* np.sqrt(a**2 / (a**2 + 2j*t)) \
* np.exp(1j*(k*x - k**2 * t / 2)) \
* np.exp(-(x - x_0 - k*t)**2 / (a**2 + 2j*t))
(Discretized) Hamiltonian for given potential:
def hamiltonian(V):
diag = V(xs) + 1. / dx**2
offdiag = -0.5 / dx**2 * np.ones(x_steps)
return scipy.sparse.dia_matrix(([diag, offdiag, offdiag], [0, -1, 1]), shape=(x_steps, x_steps))
Video recording:
def display_video(next, V=None):
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
if V:
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(xs, V(xs), '--', color='gray')
for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('gray')
line_real, = ax1.plot([], [], 'r-', label="Re \Psi")
line_imag, = ax1.plot([], [], 'g-', label="Im \Psi")
line_abs_sqr, = ax1.plot([], [], 'b-', lw=2, label="|\Psi|^2")
ax1.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
ax1.set_ylim(-1, 1)
ax1.axvline(0, ls="--", color="gray")
def update(t):
psi = next(dt, t)
line_real.set_data(xs, psi.real)
line_imag.set_data(xs, psi.imag)
line_abs_sqr.set_data(xs, np.abs(psi)**2)
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update, ts, interval=30, blit=True)
#anim.save(filename, fps=1/dt)
#anim.save(filename, fps=1/dt, writer="ffmpeg", codec="libx264")
#anim.save(filename, fps=1/dt, writer="ffmpeg", codec="libvpx")
return anim
Discretization parameters:
x_min = -50
x_max = 50
x_steps = 5000
xs, dx = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, x_steps, retstep=True)
t_min = 0
t_max = 15
t_steps = 100 # 1000
ts, dt = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, t_steps, retstep=True)
V_free = np.vectorize(lambda x: 0)
H_free = hamiltonian(V_free)
Exact Solution:
display_video(lambda dt, t: wavepacket(xs, t))
It is apparent from the analytical solution that the time-evolved wavepacket is again a wavepacket: More precisely, the probability amplitude follows a Gaussian distribution with center $x_0 + k_0 t$ and spread $\sqrt{(a/2)^2 + (t/a)^2}$. The probability current is given by $\mathrm{Im} \Psi^* \nabla \Psi$. It can be interpreted as $v(x) |\Psi(x)|^2$, with $v(x)$ the "local velocity", and hence its integral gives the average velocity, which for our wave packet is equal to $k_0$. The local kinetic energy can also be readily computed. Here is a snapshot:
def prob_current(psi):
psi_mean = (psi[1:] + psi[:-1]) / 2.
psi_prime = np.diff(psi).conj() / dx
return -(psi_mean * psi_prime).imag
def velocity(psi):
return sum(prob_current(psi) * dx)
t = 2.5
xs_mid = (xs[1:]+xs[:-1])/2
plt.plot(xs, np.abs(wavepacket(xs, t))**2, color="blue", lw=2, label="$|\Psi(x)|^2$")
plt.plot(xs_mid, prob_current(wavepacket(xs, t)), color="green", label="$j(x)$")
#plt.plot(xs_mid, prob_current(wavepacket(xs, t)) / np.abs(wavepacket(xs_mid, t))**2, color="red", label="$v(x)$")
plt.title('v = %f (should be %f)' % (velocity(wavepacket(xs, t)), k))
Spectral time evolution:
class SpectralEvolution:
def __init__(self, H, initial_psi):
self.H = H.todense()
self.energies, self.eigenstates = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.H)
self.initial_psi = np.dot(self.eigenstates.T.conj(), initial_psi(xs)) # to get a unit vector, we should multiply by sqrt(dx)
def __call__(self, dt, t):
psi = np.exp(-1j*self.energies*t) * self.initial_psi
return np.dot(self.eigenstates, psi)
display_video(SpectralEvolution(H_free, wavepacket))
Forward Euler scheme:
class EulerEvolution:
def __init__(self, H, initial_psi):
self.H = H # np.array(H.todense())
self.current_psi = initial_psi(xs).reshape(-1, 1)
def __call__(self, dt, t):
A = scipy.sparse.identity(x_steps) - 1j*dt*self.H
psi = A.dot(self.current_psi)
self.current_psi = psi / np.linalg.norm(psi) * np.linalg.norm(self.current_psi)
return self.current_psi
display_video(EulerEvolution(H_free, wavepacket))
Forward/Backward stable, unitary scheme:
class StableEvolution:
def __init__(self, H, initial_psi):
self.H = H
self.current_psi = initial_psi(xs)
def __call__(self, dt, t):
A = scipy.sparse.identity(x_steps) - 0.5j*dt*self.H
tmp = A.dot(self.current_psi)
self.current_psi = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A.conj(), tmp)
return self.current_psi
display_video(StableEvolution(H_free, wavepacket))
Split operator method (assumes periodic b.c., hence only valid as long as the wave function does not exceed x_min or x_max):
class SplitOperatorMethod:
def __init__(self, V, initial_psi):
self.V = V(xs)
self.current_psi = initial_psi(xs)
freqs = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(x_steps)
self.neg_laplace = (2*np.pi*(x_steps-1)/(x_max-x_min)*freqs)**2
def __call__(self, dt, t):
psi = np.exp(-0.5j*dt*self.V) * self.current_psi
psi = scipy.fftpack.fft(psi)
psi = np.exp(-1j*dt*self.neg_laplace/2) * psi
psi = scipy.fftpack.ifft(psi)
self.current_psi = np.exp(-0.5j*dt*self.V) * psi
return self.current_psi
display_video(SplitOperatorMethod(V_free, wavepacket))
The tridiagonal Hamiltonian for the kinetic part that we set up above automatically implements vanishing boundary conditions at $x_{\min}$ and $x_{\max}$. Thus we merely set $x_{\max} = 0$ (cf. discussion in the exercise class, also for the analytical solution):
x_min = -45
x_max = 0
x_steps = 1000
xs, dx = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, x_steps, retstep=True)
V_free = np.vectorize(lambda x: 0)
H_free = hamiltonian(V_free)
display_video(SpectralEvolution(H_free, wavepacket))